A “boomerang employee,” Marie rejoined Criteo just in time to help lead a new phase of enrichment of the company’s Learning & Development (L&D) offering. A challenge she’s glad she came back for.
Your path to this position was a bit unusual?
I’ve had the opportunity to live in several different countries – Congo, Singapore, Malaysia, UAE and now France – it’s been useful background for Criteo’s international environment.
What was it like to come back into the company?
I really liked having the freedom again at Criteo to create and implement a strategy – and to quickly see the results. At the same time, there had been so much change in just few months, it wasn’t exactly like coming home. What drew me back the most were the people, and it was through them and Criteo’s culture that I eventually re-anchored myself.
You came back at an eventful moment!
It was a stimulating time to return just as our Learning Management System was shifting into a higher gear to support the company’s transformation. With the team we did an amazing job to implement the new learning platform in only 3 months!
What are some of its features?
Criteos can search for e-learning content to support their development plan in our easy access “Learning Quest” digital platform. It increasingly includes content that we’re creating ourselves and offers a much higher level of personalization and interactivity.
The next step is to encourage more peer-to-peer training and provide ways for employees to stay connected following Learning experiences.
What role do managers play?
We see managers as having a multiplier effect on the development of their teams. They help their team members articulate what they need to develop as well as sharing resources, training opportunities, articles and networking connections. Managers also provide important feedback on an individual’s progression.
Where does L&D go from here?
It’s an exciting time! We continue to scale up our learning content, provide more visibility for upcoming program launches and starting to prepare for the Hybrid world of work. Some of the really interesting content being developed includes learning experiences for all Criteos on the Adtech industry, a revamped program for Managers@Criteo and many more!
Underlying it all is our constant work to reinforce our learning culture, which depends on all of us. Creating a framework for continuous learning is like a greenhouse: we need lots of gardeners!
Learning & Development key figures (2020)
More than 19,000 hours of virtual workshops in 734 live sessions
More than 15,000 hours of learning on digital platforms (LMS, LinkedIn Learning, Coursera…)
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