A little over five months ago, we kicked off the year with the launch of our core values: Open, Together and Impactful. While these values have been the guiding principles in all that we do, we could have never predicted how much they would mean during these times of uncertainty. Now, with multiple months of working from home under our belts, employees have gone from socializing with their peers during all hours of the day to relying on video conferencing and messaging tools to stay connected. While the last few months of social distancing have been a new experience for all of us, we’re proud to see our employees create initiatives to drive our culture forward during these times of uncertainty. In doing so, they embody the core pillar of “Together" and set an example to the entire organization.
What does Together mean at Criteo?
It means we stick together, we accomplish together and we celebrate together. In the last few months, we’ve seen employees step up to create charitable programs, promote mental and physical wellness and make working remotely just a bit more fun. Here are some initiatives that we’ve been excited to see come to life.
Supporting our local heroes
One Criteo took it upon herself to personally donate daily meals from local restaurants to ER doctors, nurses and other health care professionals at two hospitals in New York City. While originally a personal project, it quickly expanded to an office wide fundraiser with Criteos from all over the company sending donations to help support the initiative and give back to the front-line workers who are fighting the pandemic each day.
Bonding over friendly competition
Employees are finding ways to stay connected (and competitive!) through Quaran(theme) challenges in our #Criteofromthecouch Slack channel. A recent challenge included sharing a 15-30 second video of a new skill they’ve picked up during quarantine. While the winner received a gift card, the real fun was getting a glimpse into what their peers were up to at home. In APAC, we also had 120 employees from seven countries join a movie-themed Zoom meeting with their backgrounds set to their favorite movie or TV show. Reviewers were assigned from each of the countries to present their favorite pick from all the options that were submitted, we later shared a poll to see who agreed and disagreed with the top choices.
Cooking with coworkers through quarantine
Along with most of the globe, Criteos across the organization have been homing in on their cooking skills. Criteos got creative and took an existing Slack channel, #menudujour, which was originally created to share the daily menu for our office café in Paris, and instead began sharing the meals they’re whipping up while working from home. Need some meal inspo of your own? Check out the WFH story highlight on our Instagram account. We’ve even had a live cooking class via Zoom where employees were invited to follow along as their peer created one of her favorite meals.
Getting our heart rate up, together
While health and wellness remain top of mind, Criteos from across offices are starting up their own virtual fitness classes and getting hearts pumping and blood flowing through Zoom. Recently, we had a newly hired Criteo, who happens to be a certified mental wellbeing coach, take it upon herself to work with the people team to set up a training around mental wellbeing. The program has been scaled across the company for each region and it’s been great to watch the impact that one employee can have across an entire workplace.

When we originally rolled out our new values in the beginning of the year, we had many ideas in mind of how they would come to fruition. Today, we are so proud to watch Criteos from across the world step up and take initiative to engage with their peers and are excited to see more employee-led programs arise and become a staple of Criteo culture. While working remotely continues to be the new normal, we are hopeful that our employees will continue to come together and make the most of their virtual workplaces.